Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Starting a new group in Colombia

Ofelia and Rocio just told me that ASODISPIE has “multiplied”. They are going to another area of Santander, a plateau that is a bit off the beaten path, on Saturdays. There are a lot of children with Cerebral Palsy on the plateau, perhaps because they are so far away from medical care and midwifery. A group of people (family members of these kids) have formed an organization (I don’t know if they have registered with the Chamber of Commerce yet) and Henry of Asodispie is their President. He is basically getting them started. Rocio, Ofelia, Henry, Oscar and the therapists employed by Asodispie go there on Saturdays to work with the parents and children. Their plan is to duplicate the project there, although self-help groups will be difficult to form because they all live quite far from each other (it is a rural area).

This is nice news, don’t you think?

Marlene Wiens

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