Saturday, June 7, 2008

Self Care Project in ASODISPIE, Colombia

My name is Marlene and I am the English speaker in our project. Although I live in Canada, I am in regular contact with the project leaders in Colombia and will post their news. ASODISPIE is a Disabled People's Organization that has about 100 members of all disability types of all ages.

The project leaders are Henry the President of ASODISPIE, Oscar the treasurer, and Rocio and Ofelia the project facilitators. We have been part of the DAR/AIFO self care study for the past two years and are currently in our third year.

I am really excited about the news I received from Henry this week and would like to tell you about the fact that ASODISPIE is reaching out to a new community. This community is situated on a mountain plateau not too far from Piedecuesta, the city in which ASODISPIE is located.

Henry was invited to this plateau to help the people with disability organize because there are a large number of children with Cerebral Palsy living there. He and a group consisting of therapists, Rocio and Ofelia, have been traveling to this plateau on Saturdays. While Henry works with the leaders, the others register people with disability. Their plans are to involve them in the development of their personalized self-care plans using the same process that is currently being used in ASODISPIE.

I welcome questions and comments about the message I have posted. Also, I will continue to post information on the progress of the self care plans. Chao, Marlene

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